The neck and neckline area requires hydration to be kept toned up and nourished and we, through innovation, manage to reawaken its beauty.
The neck and neckline area requires hydration to be kept toned up and nourished and we, through innovation, manage to reawaken its beauty.
The skin of the neck and neckline is very thin and delicate and tends to quickly become relaxed, “revealing” the passing of the years more than the rest of the face. To rejuvenate your appearance, you can keep it toned up and elastic with an anti-ageing treatment with high-purity biotechnological hyaluronic acid, able to remodel the tissues and quickly restore compactness.
Arms, Body, Neck and Neckline
Face, Neck and Neckline
Face, Neck and Neckline
Ibsa derma is present on occasions, at meetings and conferences promoted to enhance the beauty in each one of us. Discover them all.
Find out moreExplore with augmented reality how aging processes impact various tissues. Download the app to discover the aging process
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