Face, Neck and Neckline
Which areas of the body require hyaluronic acid-based treatments the most?
Face, Neck and Neckline

The signs of aging rear their heads earlier and more markedly in some areas of the body. Such parts will be the first to require hyaluronic acid-based treatments.
Not all areas of the body age equally. The face, neck and décolleté are the most exposed areas, both to the action of external agents (exogenous aging) and to the effects of internal agents (endogenous aging). This process is also favoured by a significant reduction in the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the dermis, and hence by the skin’s reduced ability to counteract degenerative phenomena. Hence the importance of natural hyaluronic acid injections as part of an anti-aging program.
Who’s who in hyaluronic acid.
Not all products hyaluronic acid-based are equivalent: the use of chemically modified (“cross-linked”) hyaluronic acid, is indicated when the aim is to volumize certain areas of the face. The results are quick and long-lasting. On the other hand, injective treatments with non-cross-linked linear hyaluronic acid are more suitable for the treatment of aging and its causes. In other words, a filler acts as a volumizer, while non-cross-linked linear hyaluronic acid acts as an anti-aging product.
What fillers do.
Fillers rejuvenate the skin by giving it a brighter appearance and a more regular skin texture, by visibly reducing spots and skin laxity, by improving the look of wrinkles and fine lines, and by volumizing the treated area. Needless to say, it is paramount for the hyaluronic acid to be highly pure and the result of quality-controlled synthesis and production processes.
Valid results depend not only on a high-quality product, but also on the use of suitable, patient-tolerated injection techniques. The use of hybrid hyaluronic acid allows the product to be injected into a handful of standardized points of the face, neck and décolleté with minimal invasiveness. The injected product will then integrate with the dermis and work its effects. Thus performed, the injection technique has proven particularly effective. Needless to say, the advice is to contact qualified specialists.
Apart from fillers, which in any case can be useful to obtain immediate volumizing results capable of restoring harmony to an aged face, anti-aging therapy is rather based on linear- or, better still, hybrid hyaluronic acid injections. The quality of a hyaluronic acid-based product can be inferred from basic research lead on the product itself, and from the objective clinical demonstration of the results it provides both in the short- and in the long term.